Tag Archives: HSE enforcement

Star Wars Production Fined by HSE

The production company behind the new Star Wars The Force Awakens movie has been fined £1.6 million by the HSE. Back in June 2014 when the Star Wars movie was being filmed for release in December 2015, the actor Harrison Ford was injured on set of the Millennium Falcon spaceship by a metal door. This incident resulted in the actor who plays Han Solo being airlifted to hospital for surgery as he had a broken leg. Foodles Production (UK) Ltd, owned by Disney pleaded guilty earlier this year to two charges brought by the HSE.
In a court hearing, they were told that the actor could have been killed. The HSE said that the power of the rapidly closing door meant Ford was hit with a force comparable to the weight of a small car. The Judge said the firm had failed to communicate its risk assessment to the actor, he also said ‘The greatest failing of all on behalf of the company is a lack of communication, a lack because, if you have a risk assessment and you do not communicate it, what is the point of having one?’

HSE raises Intervention Fee

Employers to pay more when breaking the H&S law When the intervention scheme was launched, HSE charged any employers breaking the health and safety law enforcement costs of £124 per hour. Four years later that has now been raised to £129 due to HSE’s annual report 2015/16 showing the fee for intervention is costing HSE more to run it than it can recover. Income from the scheme in 2015/16 was £14.7m but the cost was £17.4m bringing a deficit of £2.7million. image